A colon is the last part of the large intestine as the large intestine is the last organ through which feces pass out of the body. This is the common site to get attack by the cancerous cells and form a tumor, which ultimately leads to blockage of the large intestine and disrupts the bowel movement. Colon cancer is very common among middle-age people, predominantly males. Every year 20 of hundred people are diagnosing with colon cancer.

Colon cancer can occur to anybody, but several factors can increase the chances. Following are the causes that lead to colon cancer:
Untreated polyps:
Polyps are extra cells that grow on the outer layer of the colon or rectum. These cells are generally not harmful, but if left without any treatment, they can turn cancerous over a period, leading to colon cancer.
Smoking and alcohol consumption:
Medical science has always been actively researching the bad effects of smoking and alcohol consumption on the human body. One of the research states that smoking can trigger the chances of getting colon cancer. Also, alcohol disrupts the normal metabolic processes of the body.
Sedentary Lifestyle:
With the latest technologies, people are now used to live in the comfort zone and try to avoid hard physical work. Sedentary Lifestyle can be the main factor of getting unwanted diseases, colon cancer being of them.
Family history:
Genetics also plays a great role in defining the type of diseases a person can diagnose. If you have a family history of colon cancer, then there are chances of you getting one. So it is very important to keep a check on your health to avoid it.
Today, markets are flooded with huge amounts of pre-packaged, processed, and preserved food items. These food items are dead and have no life energy in them. When this food enters your gut, it produces many unwanted substances in the body, which are difficult to assimilate. The digestive system gets disrupt. If this continues for a longer period, it leads to more cancerous cells in the body and causes cancer, including colon cancer.
There are two types of stress that the human body undergoes. One is the positive stress caused by active physical exercises, which comes with long term benefits. Then there is negative stress, which can be work-related or other problems. This type of stress is not good for the human body as it can be the only initiative for a lot of trouble and diseases in the body.
Other diseases:
If a person is already suffering from a disease such as diabetes or obesity, there are chances of him getting colon cancer.
There are barely any symptoms in the initial stages of colon cancer, but as it progresses, some Diagnostic symptoms one can notice in the body, such as :
Difficulty in passing out stool.
Having frequent diarrhea.
Extremely low hemoglobin levels in the blood leading to anemia.
Constant feeling of Fatigue and tiredness.
Constant Pressure in the lower back region.
Pain in the abdomen.
Constipation and narrow stools.
Extreme weight loss.
Due to non-symptomatic early stages, colon cancer is generally diagnosed at the third or fourth stage of tumor growth. There are methods to diagnose colon cancer depending on the symptoms
Cell biopsy
CT scan
PET scan
Treatment of Colon cancer is 100% dependent on the stage of cancer that one is diagnosed with. The doctors design a treatment plan which is specific to each patient.
This is the most common treatment for colon cancer. In early stages one can go for this one.
After surgery, doctors look for chemotherapy in which doctors inject intravenous chemotherapeutic drugs into the blood that ultimately kills the cancerous cells, leading to a decrease in tumor size.
This is another alternative treatment for colon cancer. Radiation therapy avoids the spread of the tumor to other parts of the body.
It has always been said that prevention is better than cure. There are a few things that you can do to avoid any chance of you getting colon cancer:
Active Lifestyle:
It is very active to adopt an active lifestyle over the comfort zone. This is not only important to keep diseases at Bay but also to promote healthy living.
Healthy diet:
As they say, you are what you eat, so you must check on the food that you eat. It is important to eat fresh and plant-based food regularly. You can have processed food once in the wild, but it should not be included in your everyday diet. A plant-based diet is excellent for avoiding colon cancer.
Regular health check-ups:
It is very important to go for a complete body check-up once every three months. If anything comes up, one can go for diagnosing it early and treatments are easily available as well. It is mandatory for people with a genetic history of colon cancer to get a regular health check-up and avoid its growth in the body.
Medical science has given various proven theories about the benefits of fasting. Fasting leads to cellular detoxification, which is very important to avoid cancers in the body. It is important to note that you should always consult your doctor before undergoing any type of fasting
You should immediately consult a cancer specialist if you notice any of these symptoms. Colon cancer is 90% curable if diagnosed in the early stages. If you live in or near Jaipur, there is no need to travel far off distances to get your cancer treated. There are many cancer specialist in Jaipur are available who knows the best for its treatment. You can easily book an appointment and get the best treatment for colon cancer.